All prices on our website include 20% VAT and Free Delivery*  to most UK postcode areas.

Unlike some of our competitors, we don't support the practice of "Hiding VAT & Delivery Charge" from our customers by only calculating this during checkout. Our approach is to provide all of this information right from the start so you have all costs in front of you to make an informed choice.

Hiding VAT and Delivery Charge at the websites where they show VAT & Delivery exclusive prices which artificially make the products look cheaper.

We get a lot of feedback where customers have entered their address only to have VAT and Delivery Charge added later in the checkout process - we feel this simply creates a No-Better customer experience.

We invest heavily in our products, quarries, factories, and our teams both here in the UK and overseas to create a highly efficient supply chain so that we can offer our customers a range of paving stones and porcelain products which not only transform their space but save money in the process.

Ultimately we want our customers to make an informed choice without using tactics to make prices "appear" cheaper, when in reality they are not.

We constantly review our systems and operations and if you feel there are any aspects that could be improved, please can we invite you to send an email to so we can consider your feedback to enable us to deliver the best service and experience for all customers.

including Vat and Free Delivery